Sunday, February 22, 2009

welcome home gifts

Our friends are safely back home from Ethiopia with their daughter and newly adopted son. We can hardly wait to meet him! I've been busy working on a fun welcome home package for the kids, and I just hope everything fits! You can find the cute shoes tutorial here.

My mom is coming for a visit this week - we're all very excited! Our birthdays are coming up (hers is March 2, mine is March 8), so I'm going to work on some fun things for her. I'll have to display the projects later so she doesn't get a sneak peek.

Sarah and I have a Sewing Day planned later on in March. I'm really looking forward to that! I think the plan is to have the guys watch the kids! Luckily it's not a lot of work since our kids love playing with each other so much.


Sarah said...

Those are fantastic! Which tutorial did you use for the booties? Was it pretty quick? It suddenly seems I have lots of babies coming to family and friends in the year ahead!

Lisa said...

I forgot to include the link until now! Here it is:

Anonymous said...

These are so cute! I am Lori from Wisconsin, did you get your fat quarter? I hope you liked it!


Anonymous said...

oops! sorry but I left my comment while logged in my daughters name.


Lisa said...

I love the cute bunny fat quarter - it's so cheerful for winter doldrums and Easter! Can't wait to use it.