Sunday, March 8, 2009

a little closer to 40

So today is my 37th birthday! Growing up I would never have imagined that I'd be living in a small town on acreage and raising chickens! Regardless of my lack of vision as a kid, I love where I live, love being in a more 'country' setting (I grew up in Los Angeles) and I have thoroughly enjoyed rediscovering my love for sewing and crafting, and thus giving myself more time to do it.

Since Sundays are pretty busy for us with church in the morning and Awana in the afternoon, we celebrated my birthday yesterday and last night. It started with an awesome breakfast...

and ended with cake!

In my next post, I'll gush about my childrens' gifts they gave to me - particularly the homemade ones! Right now I think my sugar high is crashing, so I better go find a pillow somewhere.

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