Tuesday, February 17, 2009

mini iron saves the day

I'm so thankful for this new handy little tool. I meant to buy thick fusible web interfacing for these purse handles I'm making, but when you're at the fabric shop, shopping for multiple projects and have all 3 kids along because of the President's Holiday, ya tend to take some shortcuts! As it was, I didn't realize that regular interfacing measures 22" wide, instead of 44" like most fabrics. So I ended up heading back to the store because I thought they cut it wrong - oops, I just didn't pay attention! I had forgotten the magnets too, so I picked those up.

So far the Marlo Bloom Handbag by Heather Bailey has been pretty straightforward. I've got the main body of the bag done, and now I'm working on the handles. But this will take some time because I'm using Quilter's Edge to tack down all the little pieces around the handles - there are 2 handles, each with two sides, so that's four handles essentially! This is where my Wonder Iron comes in - at least I'm not pressing the whole project over and over again with a large iron! It's been great for this detail work.

Alright, no more avoiding the hard stuff... onward!

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